Research team behind 2020 lectures
Our group investigates estuaries and related coastal systems. Check staff page of Maarten Kleinhans for publications or email me if you would like to receive a paper.

Muriel Brückner
PhD researcher on eco-engineering effects by plants and benthic organisms on estuary morphology.

Marcio Boechat Albernaz
PhD researcher on coastal and estuarine long-term morphodynamics.

Steven Weisscher
PhD researcher on meandering rivers and filling estuaries.

Jana Cox
PhD researcher on sediment budgets in the Rhine-Meuse estuary.

Danghan Xie
PhD researcher on wetland dynamics and ecosystem functioning.

Arya Iwantoro
PhD researcher on estuarine bifurcations and channel networks.

Harm Jan Pierik
Postdoctoral researcher on Holocene estuary geology.

Will McMahon
Postdoc researcher on estuary geology.

Anne Baar
PhD researcher on transverse bedslope effects.

Lisanne Braat
PhD researcher on the effects of mud on estuary morphology.

Jasper Leuven
PhD researcher on bar and channel patterns in estuaries.

Wout van Dijk
Postdoc researcher the role of natural and human-induced disturbances on estuary channel networks.

Sanja Selakovic
Postdoc researcher on estuary ecology.

Tjalling de Haas
Postdoc researcher on historic estuaries and tidal basins in the Netherlands.